With all three of our founder partners coming from church backgrounds, ministry was always much more than something we did only on Sunday mornings. Moving into this new business venture, we wanted to set up our company in such a way that our successes didn’t only benefit us, but also benefited ministry. It’s easy to talk about giving back when your company has grown, but we wanted to start giving back right from the start, which is why we’re incredibly excited to announce the Hivemind Creative Mission Project.
The Hivemind Creative Mission Project
For our project this year we’ll be giving out a $500 scholarship to a high-school or college student going on a short-term mission trip. We interact with a lot of people going on short term mission trips, so it only made sense that our first project would involve helping to send someone on their mission trip. Here’s how it works:
- You fill out our scholarship application.
- If we choose you, we help fund your trip!
That’s all there is to it! We only have a few basic critera:
- You need to be a current student (high-school or college level).
- You need to be going on a church-sponsored mission trip.
- You need to submit your application by April 30, 2013.
What if I don’t get chosen?
Although we wish we could help send everyone, there are many creative ways you can raise money that will help you reach your fundraising goals. Some of our favorites are car washes, personalized letters to friends and family, donating work (such as mowing lawns or babysitting), or raising support online through Facebook, Twitter, or with a fundraising site like YouCanSend.me.
Apply today!
We’ll be choosing our first scholarship recipient at the end of April, so be sure to apply today to get your application in on time!